Collaboration ● Excellence ● Inclusiveness ● Integrity ● Respect
Legacy Behavioral Health offers comprehensive evidence-based treatment, support, and recovery services to adults, youth, and young adults, as well as their families and veterans, who are suffering from mental health problems, intellectual and developmental disabilities, and addictive diseases. Legacy Behavioral Health Services is a public safety net provider that offers a full continuum of behavioral health services and supports to individuals who are uninsured, underinsured, low-income, Medicaid, Medicare, war veterans, or have a particular private insurance in multiple locations within ten county service area. Our services are offered on a sliding cost schedule based on income to those without insurance. As a result of the services offered by Legacy Behavioral Health, there is a decrease in homelessness, a decrease in crime and associated incarcerations, a rise in graduation rates and a decline in dropout rates, a decrease in ER visits and inpatient admissions, and an improvement in quality of life.
Our ServicesContact Us

Our Mission
To provide the highest quality behavioral health and developmental disabilities services to individuals, their families, and the community through prevention, intervention, treatment and education.
Our Vision
All people are accorded respect, dignity and opportunity to achieve their full potential free from stigma and prejudice.
Our Values
Collaboration ● Excellence ● Inclusiveness ● Integrity ● Respect
Person Centered Approach
As part of our ongoing efforts to be culturally competent, client-centered, and trauma-informed, we have developed a person-centered philosophy that applies throughout our programs and organization. This philosophy supports our mission and helps inform our persons served of the kind of service that they can expect when they visit any of our locations.
Our Person-Centered Philosophy:
At Legacy Behavioral Health Services:
- I am treated with kindness and respect.
- I am valued as an individual.
- I have options and choices in my treatment.
- My goals are acknowledged and supported.
- My strengths are important to my treatment.
- I am surrounded by people who believe in me.
Transforming Lives
People Helping People
Legacy Behavioral Health Services provides support within 10 counties in South GA, Ben-Hill, Berrien, Brooks, Cook, Echols, Irwin, Lanier, Lowndes, Tift and Turner County. Legacy Behavioral Health Services believes that through individualized care, quality of care and support, your life could be transformed.
Our Services
Behavioral Health Assessment
A face to face comprehensive clinical assessment conducted to determine the individual’s problems, strengths, needs, abilities, and preferences, to develop a social and medical history to determine functional level and degree of ability verses disability.
Walk-in Assessments Available 5 Days a Week.
Physician Services
Psychotherapeutic services with medical evaluation and management including evaluation and assessment of physiological issues. Assessment and monitoring of an individual’s status in relation to treatment with medication and ongoing assessment of the appropriateness of initiating or continuing services.
Nursing Services
Services provided to observe, monitor and care for the physical, nutritional, and psychological issues that may arise during an individual’s course of treatment. Also, monitoring of an individual’s response to medication, educating the consumer and family about medication and its side effects, and training for self-administration of medication.
Individual Counseling
Counseling techniques are used to assist a person in identifying and resolving personal, social, vocational, intrapersonal and interpersonal concerns. This may include: illness and medication self management, problem solving and cognitive skills, adaptive behaviors and skills, interpersonal skills, and knowledge regarding mental illness, substance related disorders and other relevant topics that assist in meeting the individual’s or the support system’s needs.
Group Counseling
A therapeutic intervention provided in a group format directed toward achievement of specific goals defined by the individual consumer. Services may address goals/issues such as promoting recovery, and the restoration, development, enhancement or maintenance of: cognitive processing skills, healthy coping skills, adaptive behaviors and skills, interpersonal skills, and identifying and resolving personal, social, intrapersonal and interpersonal concerns.
Family Counseling
This service provides systematic interactions between the identified individual consumer, staff and the individual’s identified family members directed toward the restoration, development, enhancement or maintenance of functioning of the identified consumer/family unit. This includes support of the family and specific therapeutic interventions/activities to enhance family roles, relationships, communication and functioning that promote recovery of the individual.
Community Supports Individual
Case management type services to provide rehabilitative, environmental support and resource coordination considered essential to assist an individual in gaining access to necessary services and in restoring him or herself to the best possible functional level with the greatest degree of life quality enhancement, self-efficacy and recovery, illness self management, and symptom reduction possible. Assistance may include, training in how to take medication, daily living skills, learning about one’s mental illness, accessing community resources, etc.
Crisis Intervention
Services that are directed toward the support of an individual who is experiencing an abrupt and substantial change in behavior which is usually associated with a precipitating situation and which is in the direction of severe impairment of functioning or marked distress. This service is designed to prevent out of community placement or hospitalization.
Psychosocial Rehabilitation
A therapeutic, rehabilitative, skill building and recovery promoting service for individuals to gain the skills necessary to allow them to remain in or return to naturally occurring community settings and activities. Services include: individual or group skill building activities that focus on the development of skills to be used by individuals in their living, learning, working, and social environments, social, problem solving and coping skill development, illness and medication self-management, prevocational skills, and recreational activities/leisure skills.
Substance Use Disorder Treatment
A time limited, multi-faceted approach treatment service for persons who require structure and support to achieve and sustain recovery from substance related disorders. The following services are included: didactic presentations and psycho-educational information, individual counseling, group counseling, family counseling, and regular urine drug screens. This service includes 20 hours a week of programming.
Family Violence Classes
Court mandated Family Violence Classes provided 1.5 hours a week for 24 weeks.
DUI Classes
Court mandated DUI classes. Packages available: 12, 17 and 52 weeks
Crisis Stabilization Unit
Inpatient mental health and detoxification treatment for individuals in crisis. Walk in services provided 24/7/365.
Shoplifting services aim to provide treatment to those who have been caught shoplifting as a plea or probation requirement.
Anger Management
Legacy’s Anger Management Program offers treatment to individuals who experience anger outbursts and individuals prone to violent behavior. The program is designed to teach individuals new ways to managing anger, understanding triggers, and tools to prevent violence. The Anger Management program is available to individuals either being required by court order, probation, and voluntary admission.
PATH Program
PATH, Projects Assisting in Transitioning From Homelessness, offers services for individuals who have mental health and substance abuse illnesses by reaching out and engaging with homeless individuals and connecting them to resources available within the community. Individuals must engage in outreach services to get assistance.
Supported Employment
Supported Employment is available for eligible individuals who need assistance in gaining employment that is personalized to your interests, strengths, and needs. The program provides long-term job coaching support and can assist whenever you have new tasks to learn. Individuals will develop natural supports in the community and receive assistance if needed to address other issues that could affect your work or personal life.
Medication Assisted Treatment
Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) is the use of drugs in conjunction with counseling and behavioral treatments to treat substance use disorders on a “whole-patient” basis.
Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Developmental Disability Services
Legacy Behavioral Health Services offers an array of outpatient services to help individuals with mental health, addictive disease and developmental disability issues become healthy and productive members of society. Service delivery is tailored to the individual and is based on consumer needs and preferences. It is always our goal to provide high quality services through our caring and professional staff.
Legacy Behavioral Health Services Staff are trained in the following Evidence Based Practices:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – individual and groups
Motivational Interviewing
Assertive Community Treatment
Peer Services
Acceptance and Commitment therapy
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training
Solution Focused therapies
Living In Balance
Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy (CT-R)
Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)
Cognitive Behavioral Intervention
Medication Assisted Therapy
Motivational Enhancement
Integrative Dual Diagnosis Treatment
DBT concepts
7 Challenges (C&A and Adult)
Mental Health First Aid
Our Service Area